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Lace project portfolio
The art of bobbin lace is manifested not only in the dexterity with which the threads are interwoven, but also in the passion and creativity that each project reflects.
Discover a selection of the work produced in the Arzhela Bolillos courses. From traditional techniques to innovative combinations of colours and materials. Immerse yourself in this visual journey and let yourself be inspired by the beauty and complexity of bobbin lace.
Corazón rojo y negro
Chantilly de Bayeux
Flor de lis
Vestido con encaje
Puntilla para visillo
Pañuelos cuadrados entrelazados
Pañuelo tonos naranjas
Pañuelo morado
Joyas de encaje de bolillo
Encaje de Flandes
Reloj en Duquesa Withof
Piezas en Duquesa Withof
Futuro abanico
Punto de lectura
Pañuelo estilo cluny
Medallón Cluny
Colgantes Cluny policroma
Encaje austriaco en zapatos
Tocado azul
Flor en morados
Abanico de flores de brujas
Rosa de Gaela
Barjac Ombrée
Encaje ruso